Saturday, September 30, 2006

One for the right wing

This guy is black, the victim of a neo-nazi attack and plans to kill himself through assisted suicide.

As he very rightly points out.

Of the 6 billion people in the world, 5 billion are people of color. Sooner or later they'll all mix.

I guess the future looks bad for you Intolerant. A world full of 'Ape Girls' and inventors


Blogger Intolerant said...

People of color are all black? There are 5 billion African Americans on the planet and the rest are white? I've lost the connection of your post to mine unless this is what you are saying. The future looks bad for all of us boy. There goes all your diversity when we all come from the same smudged mixture of cultures. Your dream of us all mixing together is about as unnatural as you trying to make an intelligent statement. In Andrew's perfect world, all dogs will be one breed, all cats; one breed, all birds will sing the same song, everyone will be as one and the world will be such a happy joyous place for everyone! Oh Andrew you are so brilliant. We can only hope we all get enough of your genes to be so enlightened.

2:55 am, October 01, 2006  
Blogger BHCh said...

There is racism and it is terrible in this day and age. Not as bad as it has been, particularly in North America, but still awful when one comes across it face to face.

On a different, but related subject; what do you think about this video:

3:01 am, October 01, 2006  
Blogger Intolerant said...

Connecting racism to violence in every case is where the problem exists for me. People are free to choose who they wish to like or dislike; associate with or ignore; blame or give credit. In the case linked by Andrew here, the vicious attack cannot be condoned by any rational human being, all personal views of race aside. As an often labeled racist, I have yet to see an attack such as this and think " less of them to deal with", like the typical violent nazi extremists, yet I am always placed on the same level. My ultimate hatred is aimed at the criminals; the violent attackers who inflict their demented rage upon innocent victims just trying to live normal lives. I most certainly have compassion for this poor man attacked just driving along minding his own business. I also have the same compassion for the white people brutally attacked, raped, beaten, shot, stabbed, and what ever else these animals choose to do to equally innocent people. I don't create the statistics that unequivocally prove which particular group of people are prone to this behavior, I just recognize it and react to it. It is not up to me to change these numbers by loving all of them and providing excuses for them to continue this path. It is the responsibility of their own people, and unfortunately, there just isn't enough of them that care enough to pull it off. Not my fault. I don't hate minorities. I don't think I have ever stated such a thing. I just don't believe in helping them to justify their most unacceptable behavior by pretending there is no problem. There are cultural differences we can never understand because we have not lived our lives as these diverse races have. But right is right and wrong is wrong. No matter what color or economic level you come from, killing one another is just plain unacceptable. Violence and crime against anyone, no matter what is wrong. Some people understand that. Some do not. I have a problem with those who do not. The fact that I choose to inject my own brand of humor at the expense of certain ethnic groups is my right as a human being. It is the right of all human beings to express themselves as they see fit as long as the civil rights of others are not compromised. Call me all the names you like, but I don't hate the people I make fun of, I just think they're funny. If you can't see the humor in it, then look elsewhere. My harmless words should not be confused with real violent hate groups who actually take action. One has nothing to do with the other. One doesn't lead to the other. One doesn't condone the other. Yes I am what most would consider a racist by virtue of the fact I differentiate between races for certain obvious reasons, but this doesn't equate to hatred or even discrimination. It's life. Get used to it.

3:38 am, October 01, 2006  
Blogger Andrew said...

There goes all your diversity when we all come from the same smudged mixture of cultures.

You wrongly equate skin colour or ethnicity with culture.

In Andrew's perfect world, all dogs will be one breed, all cats; one breed, all birds will sing the same song, everyone will be as one and the world will be such a happy joyous place for everyone!

I'm not a cold-war communist, and last I checked you aren't Ronald Raegan.

Why the fuck are you making bizzare generalisations?

We can only hope we all get enough of your genes to be so enlightened.

Again what do genes have to do with culture or intelligence?

The only case I can see the two being related is in cases where your intelligence and mental capaicty is severely impeded by the mixing of brother's and sister's genes, as I'm almost certain resulted in your current state.

And to reply to your second comment:

Ok...what do you want? A gold sticker and sherrif badge for being so good at hating those criminals?

9:23 am, October 03, 2006  
Blogger Andrew said...


I think some people just aren't even close to funny and so have to revert to cheap jibes to get a laugh from the lowest common denominator...the same goes for some who make intellectual and social comment...

It always seems to be the oppressive majority which makes these comments as well. Ever seen a Puerto Rican saying "Jews driving German guys, what the cock is that shit?"

No, because it's not even funny and its only the majority which thinks its acceptable to parody the other.

9:29 am, October 03, 2006  
Blogger Intolerant said...

...such an asshole you are andy. I've reached your lowest level and resorted to name calling. But you are an asshole andy. Not because you and I will never agree on anything, but because you so arrogantly spew your ignorance as if you know one iota of what you speak. You are a stupid asshole.

1:27 am, October 04, 2006  
Blogger Andrew said...

...such an asshole you are andy. I've reached your lowest level and resorted to name calling.

Your mum has!

Not so bad afterall is it? Now where on an 'equal' level why not make an intelligible and credible point? or we can have a mud-wrestle to the death to prove who is the smartest?

But you are an asshole andy. Not because you and I will never agree on anything, but because you so arrogantly spew your ignorance as if you know one iota of what you speak. You are a stupid asshole.

Did you only just discover the word asshole?

3 times in one post! There's name calling and then there's asshole^3

8:06 am, October 04, 2006  
Blogger BHCh said...

I did a little post about you, Andrew. Check out the one dated Thursday, October 12, 2006. Got some good comments.

8:30 am, October 14, 2006  

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